Eclipse: Is the Sky is on Crack?

And Pluto and Saturn are Sleeping Together—Healing or Horrible?


As I write this, I think of the 20 clients I’ve seen this month, all fighting with someone: bosses, landlords, siblings, spouses—even people in line at Stop and Shop. Some have ended friendships of 25 years, ended marriages of 15 years, or ended leases and careers.  So many have called me crying, “I bought a new phone. The old one was not waterproof, just got sad, and stopped taking pictures.” It’s been two months from hell.  Seven clients had the flu, five had impacted wisdom teeth, and all had lower back horror. Even their animals have been to the vet from all sorts of odd accidents.  I was called from all over the world, “Where’s the moon, Jeannineis the sky on crack?”

I once had a mentor while working in the NYC Department of Education named Ann Marie. She used to tell me, “life is life.” For 30 years, she taught 33 third graders every day in Queens. Every one of her kids came out a great reader, and pulled their shit together on all levels despite their earlier histories, teachers, and home life.  Ann Marie showed up every day at 7:20 AM, took out their writing notebooks, cleaned every desk herself with plague fighter, sharpened a million pencils, and stepped up to the teacher’s plate. To watch her was like witnessing an Olympic champion ice skater—you felt blessed that you were in the company of greatness. She was Saturn in all her glory; all skill, all mastery. You watched wonder in action. You saw children become scholars. When I taught her kids dance, they created pieces like I had never seen before. They were wise and unique. I knew that these particular children in class 302 were going to be winners, no matter where they went in life, or what they chose to do.

Ann Marie was at once a role model and a wizard to her students. She shared with them her value system, autonomy, and how to use their minds. As a group, the kids were also kind and creative. Every cluster teacher (art, music, P.E., and dance) loved her class. There was nothing greater than watching someone be amazing at what they do.

Saturn takes time—a long time. Saturn is commitment. Saturn has a plan. This eclipse is all about wrestling with your Saturn game: what you have been training for your whole life.   

JiaJia Fei