Nodes of the Moon, and Other Blood Pressure Issues

Nodes in the First and Seventh Houses


One day, you wake up and you say, “wait a fucking minute, how in the hell of Christ did I get into this situation?” You look around, and you think your couch is ugly and your spouse has horns (can other people see those horns)? Even your pots and pans are burnt solid. “How am I cooking food in these?” you ask yourself.  And it’s that very question that hits you like a ton of daggers, or knives you bought from some pink and purple suicidal mom’s meet-up (you couldn’t figure out how to say no to that evite).  You look at your nodes in the first and seventh houses. You look in your closet. You realize: “Everything I own is black and grey. Am I dead? Did I have sex once? I do have a child.”

North Node in the First House
I know I hate it, but I have to do it on my own.  I must step into my power, try new things, and maybe fail at those things too. I should be taking risks and running away from my comfort zone (like the Hallmark store), even though I truly just want to bake and eat cookies like I’m living in the 1950s.”

People with the first house North Node hurl themselves into relationships. Their power lies in the ability to figure out who they are, and what their purpose is in this messy, confusing, painful earth. Their quest is to love themselves, be okay with being alone, and not disappearing in any relationship. 

North Node in the Seventh House
I know I want to run away to Hawaii, surf alone, go into business alone, date without labels, ties, rings, or his & hers towels. I want my own towel in my own residence—a world of my own. Fuck, just one room. Virginia Woolf was insane. I want to be in an independent freedom-loving, open partnership, and not give a shit about how anyone else feels or wants.  

This node has to play nice with others, listen to the other, and negotiate power in a teamwork, collaborative way. Gag! 

No North Node is cozy anywhere in any sign or any house, even on a sunny rainbow-ridden day, because we all flock to the dysfunctional and familiar, unless we are doing the deep work. Eclipses wake us up, help us shake in the now-reality, and clean up the blocks that stop us.

JiaJia Fei