Diving into the Axis of Leo (Sun) and Aquarius (Uranus)


Be Your Own Kind of Weirdo.

We are all on a journey. We keep going. We see moments of new plans and pathways, most of which are a zig zag. We watch for signs. We up the coffee.  We hunt for better berries. We meditate. But do we enjoy the chaos?  

There is real information in the chaos. We feel safe, unsafe, sort of safe, then unsafe. We plan. We show up. One day we see the answer in bright lights, or on the side of a bus, or in a lady walking crooked asking directions.  Some we quit when we get close to something. We do get second, third, and fourth chances. We fly back on the horse. We gallop. We try a different yogurt. 

Andrea Miller, a choreographer I studied with at Gibney Dance, recently said, ”Gravity is where I find it.” She went on to say (as she danced on the side of her foot), “sometimes you need to stand on the information only you can see.”  So I danced sideways on the side of my foot on a Monday, freaking out muscles I never met before. I leaned to left. I leaned to the right. Thoughts came in. My left pinky toe (which I have already broken about five times in my life) told me a story called, “are you fucking serious, you’re killing me.”  I learned a ton of new things about my own body, the floor beneath me, the things I can control, and the things I can’t. I enjoyed this way of searching. It made no sense and so much sense, that I can hardly explain it. 

The definition of the word improvisation is, “without being prepared.” When we deliberately go off the plan, the plan might thank you. When children play, they don’t have a script. They say, “I’m an Astronaut” and the next thing you know, they are on the moon playing catch with aliens. They are no longer in your living room. Forts are made, rockets are whirling. They created something from nothing. They stand in their power.  

Albert Einstein once said, “Play is the greatest form of research.”  He was talking about the 5th and 11th house axis in Astrology. The mantra for Leo is, “I find myself through what I create.”  The mantra for Uranus ruled Aquarius is, “Learn all of the rules, then break every one of them, or the ones you don’t like!” Diving into the act of making something from nothing, no matter what form it takes, is the house of the heart. Blocks to expression in all forms, this is Saturn in Leoland. How do you kick fear’s paranoid ass? Send the shoulds and don’ts away. Sneak in art, play, creativity, magic (Uranus); mix forms, invent, make a huge mess, and make stuff—anything. Lean on Jupiter and make your heart’s voice the loudest one in the room.


Maybe there is something in our training that is not useful anymore. Is there a new way to break the tried and true, and once believed? Innovation is where the new now lives. Uranian instincts ruled by the sign of Aquarius push us forward.

Enjoying some chaos can help us build new muscles. We can find and use this unique momentum. Smashing habits will push us ahead too.  Leo and play are an automatic connection to something we can’t see or touch—the simple pure feeling of satisfaction. Feeling this is a direct connection to Source. It’s the force that gets the ball in the basket, and gets the rhythm of the music to heal and move us. 

 How do we r-learn to play? Forget every single thing you were taught. Break the rules (Uranus) and make anything. You will be leaping into the axis of the 5th and 11th houses. I am the messenger of sometimes not making a decision, and letting the decisions dance up to you. You’ll know if the move is good enough.

JiaJia Fei