Saying Yes to Who You Are (Shining from the Sun)

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Your Sun sign matters. It’s how you shine, rock, and roll. You become your Sun.  You are a bright light in this energy.  Own it. Be it. You came into this world sunny, even if you were a crab.  Blocking out your own sunshine is a big no, a major ouch, and F-U-to the perfect healthy tan. Find any way you can to be your Sun sign. The universe will thank you. Imagine a beachless world—that’s you not living your Sun. Even if every planetary energy is giving your Sun the bird (or in other words, squaring your Sun), one needs to express it. 

What am I talking about? Let’s take a walk on the Sunny Side of the chart.

I assure you, wherever your Sun is, there is calm there. Where there is calm, there is opportunity. Where there is hope, there is power.  So, your Sun sign matters!  

Aries Sun Sign: Must lead, know their power, begin things, flip out, charge ahead anyway, gallop towards a course of action, boss themselves around or others; do now, process later. Aries must direct their light (focus). To keep balance, an Aries must negotiate and listen to others too. 

Taurus Sun Sign: Must sit on a nice comfy, melt-in-it, bright, happy couch; have stability, beauty, art, love, simplicity (great, amazing food, shelter, and clothing). To keep balance, a Taurus Sun must allow for change: squash fear and take the terrifying risk for Growth.

Gemini Sun Sign: Glows from information, learning, reading, talking, movement, connecting. To keep balance, a Gemini needs to listen to their heart (intuition Sagittarius) and trust themselves to add more understanding, expansion, and diversity.

Cancer Sun Sign: Shines from what lies underneath, climbing a ladder. going somewhere (doesn’t matter where, but it’s part of a heartful master plan). Knows there’s love in the relationships they are in. Nourished by these bonds, ties, or cords. A Cancer Sun feels good while remaining receptive, yet strong.  To achieve balance, a Cancer Sun must give freedom in all relationships, let go of attachments, and live in the present.

Leo Sun Sign: Must create, make something, express, and play. Leos must live from the heart and stay in innocence. For balance, a Leo must let go of the need for approval and serve from their highest souls’ calling: providing a service that also assists the collective. 

Virgo Sun Sign: A Virgo Sun sign must organize themselves in a structured, purposeful way. This Mercury Sun (which rules the hands and the mind), shines through order, discipline, and routine, always seeking health and the highest road. A Virgo seeks balance through Pisces (which rules the feet), an arena where they can surrender and reconnect to Source, remembering they are Divinity and there is no separation or death from the soul’s perspective. Virgos need to always commit to choosing Love over Panic and Perfectionism. Yoga is wonderful for all signs, but Virgos leave their head and can get into the heart in seconds by practicing.

Libra Sun Sign: A Libra Sun (Venus ruled) sign needs to develop autonomy, Good boundaries, peace, justice, harmony, beauty, equilibrium, and art. Libras light up around stunning art of all kinds in all forms. Inspiration floats their boat. Libras shine when they embody positive traits of their opposite sign Aries. When they have self-mastery and self-love, they hit a frequency that manifests desires.  Two great mantras for a Libra are, “I love and accept myself alone and with others” and an Aries one, “ I grow trying new things.” 

Scorpio Sun Sign: A Scorpio Sun needs to feel the depths of this Earth plane and make meaning out of every situation in this life. Scorpios are shining through the passionate feeling element and seeking control over situations. A Sun in Scorpio shines from Taurusland goals: grounding themselves in the physical body (food, diet, or movement); choosing balanced relationships, partners, and friends; retreating into nature; and using music in All of her Glory (a quick path to the fourth dimension).

Sagittarius Sun Sign: A gypsy Sagittarius fire Sun sign needs to expand and always learn and share their knowledge. A Sagittarius needs to learn through the other, meeting people from all over the world.  Travel is their friend. A free spirit Sagittarius needs to go go go like the magical butterfly.  Boredom is not in their cards. They can’t let it happen. A Sagittarius Sun sign (Jupiter ruled) achieves balance when they integrate or process data/information (Gemini) into their hands-on life experiences (Sage). 

Capricorn Sun Sign: Leads, mentors, achieves and shines by living their value system, lives their purpose, and acquires the skills necessary to climb the chosen ladder of success. A Capricorn Sun benefits from the opposite sign’s traits of Cancer, being receptive, going with the flow, listening to the feeling nature (the heart), nurturing the self, and others.

Aquarius Sun Sign: Aquarius Suns shine by using their special talents, marching to their own drum.  Aquarius Suns find their own method and cause. To an Aquarius, freedom is everything. They learn the rules then bust all of them happily.  They rise to greatness when they feel less alone to truly express their Leo side and share their hidden soft parts.  Creating something from nothing (Leo) and making it into a whole new form, helps the Aquarian enjoy this life.

Pisces Sun Sign: This Neptunian Aquaman Aquawoman Sun sign needs to beach-all and swim. Swim where, swim how? It doesn’t matter. They need to dream and dream some more: merge into one with all consciousness (meditation/channeling/prayer/making art/muse/music). Diving into the unknown is the fish mermaid and mermen themselves, talking and living in the Maui water and Disney landscape. A Pisces shines through making and completing goals. Through work and providing a soulful service, a Pisces finds and lives their purpose (Virgo). Through the chaos (Pisces), comes the (Virgo) order and beauty.

JiaJia Fei