Mother Should


Mom-job is a game changer with zero object of the game. Your only goal though is to raise a healthy and happy non-asshole.

No one tells you (after a person or people slide out of your private temple or gut) that Time… is different after birth. There is none. No time. Not one moment. You will hold in pee. You won’t even know you are holding in pee until you get a burning UTI and get the finger from your gynecologist. The doctor will be looking for something. The doctor may not find it. After the first finger in months leaves, you realize you need to steal some me Time for yourself to not only pee, but to chew your food, match an outfit, moisturize, and read a book. Read a book? Don’t joke. The Courage to Clean Your Closet doesn’t count.

Things Astrology clients who are moms say with their Natal Moon anywhere in any sign and in any house:

“It’s impossible to meet my own needs.”
“If I only knew what I needed.”
“I can’t even believe how much I want to stab my husband.”
“Motherhood. It’s not what I thought it was going to be.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I can’t afford a massage. I’m a working mother with a kid in organic daycare.
“I hate the nanny more than I hate anyone else in this world but if she leaves, I will off myself”
“My crackhead mother never told me it was anything like this. I miss my junkie mother so much. I wish I would have known why she was on drugs. I wish I was on drugs. She is so lucky to have been drugged. She’s lucky she’s a soul flying high now. No dishes to do.”

All lives are complex and simple. We all have squares in our Astrology chart and traumas in our heart. Moms use the word should in place of the word could. Saturn is usually the tape playing. I should have married someone else. I should have chosen a different career. I should have had more than one child, even though I found childbirth and motherhood absolute complete torture. 

Now motherhood is bliss (Venus heart balloons)—do not mistake me for a negative Nellie. There is nothing like chasing your two year-old around at the park. It’s just that none of us are at all prepared for the emotional roller coaster you will be permanently on post-pureed peas. You get used to being exhausted sideways with green spots on every shirt. You stop caring about a lot of things because you just don’t have the energy anymore to divide yourself up like a pizza.

Motherhood really messes with your need to control everything and when you pull your head out of your perfection-seeking ass, you see that birth and motherhood is in fact a surrender. We can’t really control other people, even little people in booties. They come in with their own plans, demands, and magic.

Moms vanish from their true selves and reappear.  After the adrenals cook themselves (burn out) and the thyroid too flatlines, more vitamins are swallowed.  You steal naps.  Hide your phone or feed it to your newborn. Health makes a comeback. You go down and up like a dolphin caught in a net.  Moms run around carving pumpkins and hiding Easter eggs, attempting to accomplish 300 tasks perfectly, basically feeling like someone is punching them in their very-tired face.

The Moon (mother) and Saturn (should) (“a perceived voice of some authority”)

The 4th house and the Moon in Astrology

  • a place where your unconscious lives

  • where the roots are

  • origins of your life

  • how you feel (the truth)


  • where things are not easy but very hard

  • where there’s someone or a system or an organization to answer to (rules)

  • where there are consequences

  • where you are afraid

Antidote to feeling crazy

  • lean on your tribe or find one (they are waiting for you) community is everything

  • checking in with how you feel, serving one master first: you

  • lie through your teeth at times: call in sick to work when you need more time to heal from whatever or whoever

  • create your own business and be your own boss

JiaJia Fei